Monday, June 30, 2008

One more thing...

ok, so I posted pics of my version of turquoise planters on my blog...but I wanted to say one more thing about this pic. I love the couch...and it is totally a DIY job. The lady who did this bought an old couch and ripped the back and nasty old upholstery off. Then she added 2x4's to the frame for a new platform. She made the cushions and pillows herself. Cool huh!? I think it looks really neat...maybe someday we will have to attempt this! (after the piano that is...haha!)

Monday, June 23, 2008

SO cool!

hey girlie! I am finally HERE! as in, the internet is now at my enough finally.
So this is such an awesome idea...LOVE it and really want to try it out. click and see!


isn't she nice to leave so many "how to" details!?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

awesome stuff

ok, so i got all of these things at ROSS--good cheap stuff. these are little chairs for ash and ellie. they are metal with a rusted antique look. for $15 each. awesome huh.

this is also a metal chair with a rusted antique finish. i loved it
what do i put in this?? it's actually more light blue than the pic shows